
17 May 2023

Add/ Edit Offers

"*" indicates required fields

Add the title of your offer. We recommend starting with the destination city or country
Featured Image*
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
.jpg, .png only
You will see the file name beside the upload button when your file is ready to be uploaded.
Image should be between 1430px and 2200px wide. This is so the ITAA can use your offer on the homepage and so all of the offers have a uniform layout
You can resize your images using this website: https://picresize.com/
Are the dates of your offer variable (between July - October) or exact (starting 01/05/2020 ending 20/05/2020)
If variable add in the first date and last date of the offer below
YYYY dash MM dash DD
The start of your travel dates
YYYY dash MM dash DD
The last day of travel
The number of nights on offer
just add the number eg 1,234pp No currency symbols
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 512 MB.
    .jpg, .png only
    Please ensure images are no wider than 600px. This is to avoid the page being slowed by oversized images.
    You can add as many images as you like here
    You can resize your images using this website: https://picresize.com/
    Choose multiple offer types here